What We Do
Key Attributes of OPR
This nonprofit is closely associated with the Islamic Civic Society of America by extending efforts to engage and support work that further demonstrates the capacity of Muslim Americans to serve as wise civic leaders within a democracy.
Our work is shaped by the 20+ years of professional partnership that has existed between Imam Sharif Mohamed, Wali Dirie and Dr. Michael Van Keulen.
While we work in a variety of fields, healthcare, education, government relations, business development, and interfaith relations; our primary goal is to improve the systems of each institution.
OPR works to develop the moral capacity of the people to produce a just society. Within a democratic society. OPR believes that the moral principles found in systems of faith can be compatible with democratic civic principles.
We believe that a healthy democracy is tested and improved by wrestling with the questions and the opportunities brought by our diversity.
We believe that we must first serve as a demonstration of the democratic principles before, and during the development of any work.
We bring positive change
We bring about positive change for the state of MN through organizing practices with the MN East African community.
Our immediate focus is to build the capacity of Islamic faith centers in Minnesota and the East African immigrant communities of Minnesota. We work to increase these citizen’s understanding and influence upon key public issues affecting current and future success

Our Involvement

Public Health
With support the Catalyst Initiative, the Minneapolis Foundation, Hennepin County, Hennepin Healthcare (HHS), Allina Health, M Health Fairview, and the University of MN Department of Family Medicine and Community Health our shared work utilizes Islamic principles and tenants connecting to current understandings on public health. These initiatives provide new and important perspectives in how best to address our individual and community health. Through these initiatives we have addressed key topics of diabetes, breast and cervical cancer screening, mind/body wellness, trauma informed care, and the value of Muslim chaplains in hospitals.

Career Pathways
Our career programs focus upon both youth and adult career development that looks to build upon community strengths is informed my current and future career potentials, and targets key social roles such as exploration of teaching careers for East African American young professionals.

Culturally Responsive Counseling Services
By connecting Islamic principles and cultural values to methods of Mind Body Medicine and Trauma Informed Care, OPR is developing new models of community-centered healthcare services.

Interfaith Chaplaincy
We have developed a pre-chaplaincy program that helps Muslim faith leaders (men and women) to be hired into public institutions that utilize interfaith chaplains (i.e. hospitals, mental health centers, public safety institutions, universities, corporations, etc.). We are working closely with local healthcare systems to expand this resource.

Response to COVID-19 Pandemic
OPR has been active in the development community-agency partnerships that increase both voice and capacity of our community to understand and respond to the current health crisis of COVID-19.

Interfaith Community Development
In partnership with Trinity Lutheran Church and the Islamic Civic Society of America, OPR is helping to develop a new model of interfaith and cross cultural community development in the West Bank Neighborhood of Minneapolis.
Thank You to Our Supporters:
- Catalyst Initiative
- Department of Family Medicine and Community Health, U of M
- Bush Foundation.
- Minneapolis Foundation
- The Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute(PCORI)
- The Islamic Civic Society of America
- National Association of County and City Health Officials (NACCHO)
- MN Council of Foundations
- Hennepin County – Trusted Messenger Program
- Allina Health
- Hennepin Healthcare (HHS)
- M Health Fairview